Monday, April 29, 2013

Jackie Lo Show

Did you know that Jackie has her own radio show? It's true. Every Monday night from 7-9 p.m. you can listen to the Jackie Lo show on Substrate Radio by going to or you can use the TuneInapp on your smart phone and search "substrate."
Every show, Jackie plays songs based on a theme. Past themes have included animals, royalty, songs from movies, and songs featuring women's names. It's always fun to see what theme she will come up with next. Tune in tonight at 7 p.m. to find out what this week's theme will be!
Rock on, Jackie Lo!  

Jackie's Birthday Cookout


Jackie's Cookout Birthday! Sangria, BBQ chicken, beautifully diced salad and potato salad, brownies, salsa, bocce ball, and beautiful weather!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Lynielle Long, Architect aka Professional Gardener

Along with being a talented architect, CCR's Lynielle Long is also a fabulous Bonnie Plants model.
Look for Lynielle's beautiful face on every aisle in the herb department of Lowe's nationwide!


2013 IDIE Awards

In case you haven't heard the exciting news, CCR won an IDIE award for Railroad Square! Here are some highlights from the big event! Go team!